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Friday, December 28, 2007

Tessellated Tessellations

Side view, TT.
Originally uploaded by Bharath Kishore
The castle structure featured here is a result of unifying the following tessellations:
[1]Square Twist
[2]A tessellation I learned from a friend

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Experiment:2- Palindrome.

The surface...
Originally uploaded by Bharath Kishore
Aim: To create a tessellation which looks the same on both the sides.

Apparatus: A paper(square preferably), 2 hands and lots of patience.

Procedure:Begins like a Fujimoto on one side, continues on both sides in a similar way.

Result: A water bomb tessellation on both sides.

Chose the name Palindrome because, like a palindrome, it looks the same on both the sides। This is like a coin with both the sides heads and I win always.... Just kidding...
You can see the pic of both the sides combined here

Sunday, December 23, 2007

The twisted squares...

Originally uploaded by Bharath Kishore
This is another tessellation I was trying to make since a long time and finally figured out how recently..... The

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Square to a Triangle

To Oschene...
Originally uploaded by bharathkishore2002
I started from a square of paper to make a curved triangle. I partially succeeded, don't you think?

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Goran Konjevod Exp.

This is one of the folds I figured out just by seeing the photos.
This is invented by Goran Konjevod, folded by me.

Friday, December 14, 2007

The rise of a new sun....

This is made by twisting a 16-sided polygon about its center. This looks better 3D than flattening it, so I decided to leave it unflattened.

Monday, December 10, 2007

My first Post...

Originally uploaded by bharathkishore2002
I thought to do something new, something I've never tried for the first post of this blog...
So here I present you my first experiment with the so called Fujimoto-Tessellation.