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Friday, February 1, 2008

Origami @ SASTRA

The final Poster
Originally uploaded by Bharath Kishore
I've been thinking of forming a community of origamists in India. Well that's a bit too far from me I thought. But now I took my first step towards it.
I now founded the club in my own college. As noticed, the art of paper folding is not new in India but the recognition that it's a "study," more than it is art, is radical. The main aim of the club will be to propagate that origami is not about just paper and folding but also about science and spirituality.
Here, in the club, we, together explore and discover the scope and depth of the art.We find something where others find nothing, use paper to build and construct what others can only imagine.
We learn.
We evolve.
We innovate.
Origami can be used for mathematical, mechanical and structural modeling too, as we can see in the works of certain prominent artists.
Certain theorems that can't be proved mathematically are proved using paper. The simplest and mystifying object you make with a piece of paper is a mobius strip I'd say. Start with it and rediscover yourself in paper.
Happy Folding!!!!

1 comment:

Kaber Vasuki said...

hi, what happened to the club man.. when is it.. where?

i thought of coming, but didn't find any poster this sem?