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Thursday, December 27, 2007

Experiment:2- Palindrome.

The surface...
Originally uploaded by Bharath Kishore
Aim: To create a tessellation which looks the same on both the sides.

Apparatus: A paper(square preferably), 2 hands and lots of patience.

Procedure:Begins like a Fujimoto on one side, continues on both sides in a similar way.

Result: A water bomb tessellation on both sides.

Chose the name Palindrome because, like a palindrome, it looks the same on both the sides। This is like a coin with both the sides heads and I win always.... Just kidding...
You can see the pic of both the sides combined here

1 comment:

Kaber Vasuki said...

i have seen this "palindrome"... i guess it takes lots of effort to make but i liked it because of the feel.. when u run ur hand across it, it feel nice.. really nice.. ;)